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How would you write this song?

You are unique, individual and original. We have different tastes and preferences and all see and here things in slightly different ways. And that's why we need your help.

I've written a song called 'Flutterbyes' which has been brought to life by the amazing talents of Byron Clarke, one of Cape Town's rising stars. But we think that there's more too it, so we're asking you to let us know how you feel.

Have a listen to the rough draft of the song on the player, and then tell us how YOU would write this song. Would you add a piano or a big rock guitar? Who knows - everyone is different. To let us know how you would do the song, just drop a comment and your email address* by clicking here. But first, have a listen:


We'll be going back into studio on Sunday (Ebrahim Mallum the mad professor will be recording for us at Mr. Mallum Productions) so now's the time to speak up. If we choose your suggestion for the song, we'll be giving you a signed copy of the first Cd - a true original and a collector's item in the making, so make sure that you add your 2c.

If you like, you can also have listen on my FaceBook profile

* Don't worry - we won't publish your email address, it's just so we can contact you if we need to get you a copy of "Flutterbyes"

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