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Books that everyone should read

I've got great friggin news. It's kinda cool but might look kinda lame all at the same time. Most of my friends know that I read at what can safely be called a mind numbing rate. It's the OCD you see, it forces me to want to know absolutely everything, ever. So I read to try and fill my noggin with useful and useless information in any way shape or form to help me wow women and win pointless arguments. Anyway, back to the good news - I finally have a friggin book budget at work. Yes -you heard right, my company is buying me books.

Now this might not seem like such a big deal to the rest of you, but to put things in perspective, this is my equivalent of a crack addict finding out that the government will know be dishing out the good stuff at soup kitchens. Fan-friggin-tastic.

Some famous (and therefore probably dead) guy said that r
eading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Sounds like pretty good metaphor, and I've been getting my fair share of exercise in over the last few weeks, but with work filling as my dealer, I now need to choose my next hit, which is where you come in.

There are some pretty sharp mense floating around on the net, and I figure that at least one or two of you got that way by reading uber cool books, so now I'd like your opinion on which books to get next.

Here's what I'm currently reading:

  • The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
  • Freakonomics - Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
  • The Tomorrow People - Martin Raymond
  • Your Brain on Music - Daniel Levitin
So, when I'm done with these (prolly in the next week or two) I'm going to need some more brain fodder. Since most of what I will be doing at work in the near future will revolve around social networks and communities, I'd like to read books that will help me understand crowd behaviour and community interaction. But please - nothing that even looks like a textbook.

To this end, I've decided that I should probably get my mits on Wikinomics, which was recommened to me by Adii. Now - what else should I be reading? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Dave? Charl? Eric? Colin? Vince? You guys seem to be the peeps in the know about this sort of thing, please drop me a comment and sprinkle some wisdom on the page.

Ciao for now,


Comments (3)

Freakonomics rocks!

Probably the only economics book that non economists would enjoy!

Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think like a billionaire, SEOBOOK.. depends if you want to consume life books your web knowledge

Thanks for the recommendations ;)

I think that I'd like the type of books I read to both educate me professionally and enrich me personally.

So, it looks like at this point it's gonna be Wikinomics and Rich Dad Poor Dad